saya nak share satu ilmu pasal ukur...sekarang banyak ilmu yang kita tak tahu sebab ilmu ukur ni byk dh advance..saya guna Garmin GPS rino 530Cx utk wat keje kat tempat2 yang sukar masuk ngan total station..meh saya share sal step2 dari garmin ni utk export ke autocad :
step 1 : download mapsource guna link ni
ni instruction die :
Download the Training Center:
Install it
Then download the MapSource update:
Install it.
You now have full blown MapSource, enjoy!
step 2 : klik kat transfer tab then, select receive from device..kat sini mapsource akan detect automatic gps hand held kite..kemudian kite transfer jer data lam gps ke after transfer akan kua mcm nie :
step 3 : sebelum wat pape kite kena set coordinate projection dlu kat tab edit, pilih preferences..
**pilih projection west malaysia grid and datum kertau 1948...
step 4 : then, kita klik kat waypoint tu utk pilih point mane yang nak export ke autocad...
***pastikan kat tab tracks tu anda delete semua active log die, kalu xdelte nati die akn kua kat autocad gak makin berserabutla data kat autocad nati..
**delete semua point kat active log ni sbb kita hanya nak point waypoint kite je..
step 5 : pergi kat tab waypoint balik, select all point utk di export ke autocad, cth :
step 6 : then pergi kat tab file, pilih save as DXF (*dxf) file..
step 7 : lepas tekan save as tu die akan kua 1 lagi table utk properties kite ubah bila drawing autocad display..this the final step, after all the step above siap, uncheck button kat create symbol to contain waypoint, route and track detail sbb kalu x uncheck die akan kua symbol y besar sampai kite xnmpak point2 kite..
Fail autocad format dxf kite td tu dah blh open dah.. kite blh start edit n join detail lam autocad..
data ni adlah data kerja saya masa kat lojing menggunakan gps hand held..kerja2 kat lojing(hutan) susah nk bw total station masuk so guna jela kemudahan yang ade...
tapi harap maklum la accuracy utk hand held ni adlah +/- 5m.. so utk kerja2 title seperti refix, tanam boundary n mcm2 lg xleh la guna gps ni sbb keje2 title perlukan accuracy sampai :
Ketepatan koordinat larasan adalah 0.050 meter. (PERATURAN UKUR KADASTER 2009)
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Manusia Tertinggi Dunia dari Pakistan?
Cerita Sekitar Perkarangan Stadium Kelantan 12 Ramadhan 1432
Semalam aku pergi la nk merase smyg terawih kat stadium tu mcm mane.. dengan niat y ikhlas nk wat pahala aku pun pergila.. sebelum start trawih, ade sorg MC ni bgtau tentang Ijaz Ahmed dari Pakistan ni..kata MC tu manusia tertinggi dunia wat masa skrg ni.. sebelum ni ijaz ni orang ke-3 paling tinggi kat dunia selepas Bao Xishun dari China [a Former tallest man recognized by Guiness World Record at 2.36m (7 ft 9 in)].
Trawih kat stadium sultan Muhammad ke-4 memng asyik sebab imamnya (syeikh hisyam) dari mesir memg lunak n merdu suara bacaan ayat al-quran nye.. memg korg pn patut rasa la mcm mane bestnye smyg kt stadium Kelantan ni even panjang bacaan nye tapi memang asyik..
Berbalik kpd cerita asal sebenarnye, pasal manusia tertinggi dunia skrg ialah ijaz ahmed, katenye MC td die tidak di iktiraf Guiness World Record even yang 2 org sebelum ni telah meninggal dunia sebab die adalah beragama islam..sungguh tidak ADIL kan?? Mentang2 agama islam terus tidak di iktiraf dunia.. ijaz ahmed pada mulanye bertandang ke Malaysia utk menyambut ramadhan kat Malaysia, bila die sampai ke KL die rase tidak ade suasana bulan ramadhan kt KL lalu die pn tyala org kat mane nk dptkan nikmat rase bulan ramadhan kat Malaysia ni lalu adela sorg hamba Allah ni bgtau pergola ke Kelantan..
Di stadium sultan Muhammad ke-4 die dtg dgn keadaan yang kurang sihat dimana die telah mengalami kemalangan semasa berada di Pakistan.. rakan yg menaiki kenderaan bersamanye meninggal dunia akibat kemalngan tersebut tetapi die alhamdullilah hanya mengalami cedera ringan shj.. di samping solat terawih bersama rakyat Kelantan di perkarangan stadium mlm tadi, ijaz ahmed juga meminta bantuan drpda rakyat Kelantan y ingin memberikan sumbangan derma kpd beliau untuk membolehkan beliau menjalankan sedikit rawatan lanjutan dari kemlangan yang di alaminye.
Di bawah aku berikan sedikit biodata tentang lelaki tertinggi dunia ini :
Ijaz Ahmed (juga dikenali sebagai Ajaz Ahmed, lahir 1976) adalah seorang petani Pakistan, dan juga adalah orang kedua tertinggi di dunia. Beliau berasal dari kampung Bakkhar dalam Daryakhan, Punjab, dengan ketinggian 8 kaki dan 4 inci. (254cm). Ijaz Ahmed mangsa gangguan hormon. Dia mengalami masalah ortopedik yang menderita kaki kanannya selepas dia menjalani pembedahan untuk tulang patah hip. Sebagai seorang petani dari keluarga luar bandar, dia pergi kepada pekerja sosial Pakistan, Talat Mehmood, yang membantunya berhubung dengan Qamruddin Ansari, pengurus untuk Ghulam Shabbir, bekas pemegang Rekod Guinness untuk pembuat saiz kasut terbesar , dan Allahyarham Alam Channa, manusia tertinggi di dunia pada masa itu untuk mendapatkan sedikit bantuan.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
link CDS y xperlu gunakan dongle.
Download dulu guna link file y download tu kat Drive D... then follow step2 kat bawah ;
1. Run CDS109TRIAL.EXE ke lokasi C:\ Program file yang dikehendaki
2. Gunakan CDS109TRIAL untuk beberapa hari bagi tempoh tidak melebihi 60 hari
3. Move file cds2.exe dari lokasinya C:\ ke mana2 Temp folder
4. Copy cds2.exe dari G:\ ke lokasi cds2.exe yang lama. i.e. C:\ Program file\foresight software\CDS\program
Defrac Hard-disk akan menggagalkan operasi CDS109TRIAL ini.
Sekiranya perlu Defrac, pastikan jangan ubah kedudukan file berikut;
cds.key, cds.rst, cds.ent, cds.41s
Jika tanpa sengaja Defrac, sila Format hard-disk tuan dan install CDS109TRIAL.exe semula.
Nak cds percuma..dwnload dari link nie..pastu info kat saya utk arahan selanjutnya..yg dh abes trail pun blh..SKALI lagi PERCUMA jer...
kredit to link :
Friday, August 5, 2011
Pecah geran tanah – prosedur pecah geran tanah
Sumber dari : banyak lagi pasal maslah2 tanah boleh didapati di laman web tu. ade mase u all bolehla jenguk untuk tahu lebih mendalam lg prosedur2 lain.
Berikut adalah beberapa prosedur pecah geran tanah:
1. Jika tanah pertanian, biasanya minima 1 ekar untuk 1 geran selepas pecah tanah. Boleh convert ke tanah bangunan jika nak pecah.
2. Jika terdapat bangunan sedia ada atas tanah tersebut, biasanya perlu buat survey untuk ambil detail dahulu. Ini supaya bila bahagi nanti, tiada bangunan atau struktur kekal yang terbahagi dalam geran berbeza.
3. Kiraan Fee ini adalah anggaran sahaja dan bergantung kepada lokasi tanah dan beberapa faktor lain. Fee untuk survey detail adalah dalam RM2000 – jika survey detail perlu. Fee untuk pecah bahagian termasuk pre-computation adalah bergantung kepada jenis kegunaan tanah. Tapi lebih kurang RM2500 maksimum. Sekali lagi saya nyatakan, fee ini adalah anggaran kasar sahaja.
4. Bayaran kepada pejabat tanah adalah minimum kecuali jika mahu tukar syarat kegunaan tanah. Penukaran syarat akan melibatkan premium yg dikira berdasarkan nilai semasa tanah.
Info tambahan: Sedikit penjelasan mudah tentang pengurusan hakmilik terma tanah. Penjelasan penuh sila rujuk KTN
1. Penyatuan Tanah
- 2 atau lebih lot tanah yang bersebelahan yang dipegang oleh satu pemilik dicantumkan menjadi 1 lot.
- 2 atau lebih lot tanah yang bersebelahan yang dipegang oleh satu pemilik dicantumkan menjadi 1 lot.
2. Pecah Sempadan Tanah
- Tanah dipecah sempadan kepada 2 atau lebih bahagian. Tiap-tiap bahagian dipegang oleh pemilik atau pemilik-pemilik mengikut bahagian dalam geran asal sebelum Pecah Sempadan. Pemilik sama, geran banyak.
- Tanah dipecah sempadan kepada 2 atau lebih bahagian. Tiap-tiap bahagian dipegang oleh pemilik atau pemilik-pemilik mengikut bahagian dalam geran asal sebelum Pecah Sempadan. Pemilik sama, geran banyak.
3. Pecah Bahagian Tanah
- Tanah dipecahkan kepada bahagian-bahagian mengikut seperti bahagian yg dinyatakan dalam hakmilik. Tiap-tiap lot baru akan dipegang mengikut bahagian. Pemilik-pemilik dapat geran ikut bahagian. Biasanya dalam pembahagian harta dan nak geran individu.
- Tanah dipecahkan kepada bahagian-bahagian mengikut seperti bahagian yg dinyatakan dalam hakmilik. Tiap-tiap lot baru akan dipegang mengikut bahagian. Pemilik-pemilik dapat geran ikut bahagian. Biasanya dalam pembahagian harta dan nak geran individu.
Sumber: Putra-Mahkota.Com
Info Tanah: Tahukah ANDA??
1 ekar berapa meter? >> 1 ekar = 4046.86 meter persegi atau lebih kurang 4 km persegi (64m x 64m).
1 ekar berapa kaki persegi? >> 1 ekar = 43560 kaki pesegi = Luas (Panjang x Lebar)
1 ekar berapa hektar? >> 1 ekar = 0.4047 hektar
1 ekar berapa kaki persegi? >> 1 ekar = 43560 kaki pesegi = Luas (Panjang x Lebar)
1 ekar berapa hektar? >> 1 ekar = 0.4047 hektar
1 hektar berapa ekar? >> 1 hektar = 2.471054 ekar
1 relung berapa meter? >> 1 relung = 53.6448 m atau 176 kaki
1 relung persegi = 2.8 km persegi
1 relung persegi = 2.8 km persegi
Untuk melakukan perkiraan atau menukar nilai ukuran tanah sila rujuk link ini >> Convert-Me.Com
Saya harap artikel ini dapat membantu anda. Sekian
Survey Processing in CDS software
Topcon downloading
CDS software
Kat bawah ni contoh Raw Data yang telah di download. kalu tengok dlm CDS benda ni memang langsung xfaham pape :
Raw Data
4+00086_*STN3_,1.618_+1000_ R+00084790m0923605+2713645d-00003852*60+14+00090_*JO_,1.198_+1001_ R+00083096m0923530+2772710d-000031075
761*60+14+00080_*DIVIDER_,1.198_+1002_ R+00084809m0923235+2780845d-00003766*60+14+00094_*DIVIDER_,1.198_+1003_ R+00084062m0923122102
5+2791340d-00003704*60+14+00083_*DIVIDER_,1.198_+1004_ R+00078935m0922350+2794045d-00003304*60+14+00093_*LP_,1.198_+1005_ R+00063008
2535m0924235+2832535d-00002959*60+14+00092_*DIVIDER_,1.198_+1006_ R+00063340m0922925+2855410d-00002755*60+14+00080_*DIVIDER_,1.14073
98_+1007_ R+00063722m0921825+2841840d-00002566*60+14+00092_*SBOD_,1.198_+1008_ R+00061973m0922555+2733840d-00002631*60+14+00086_5088
*SBOD_,1.198_+1009_ R+00067905m0920105+2933205d
~Raw Data
Melaka Bersejarah
Pada mulanye g Melaka nk wat keje survey, alih2 byak tempat yang dapat di lawati rupenye. indah betul kawasan2 yang ade kat Melaka. Menteri Besarnye Datuk Seri Ali Rustam banyak mengebuh suai Melaka dengan mengekalkan sejarahnya. tahniah YB. 1 lagi cerita penting yang patut aku tengahkan di sini dimana ade la 1 kampung bernama Kg. Morten yang paling menarik di Melaka kerana semua rumah2 kat skg ni memang unik rupa bentuknye. banyak lg kawasan2 menarik di Melaka tetapi hanya sedikit sahaja yang dapat aku kongsikan kat sini :
Muzium Samudera
Skali tengok macam tempat yang dilanda Tsunami sebab kapal sampai ke darat tu. tetapi hakikatnye, kapal ni pun telah dirasmikan secara rasmi oleh MB Melaka Datuk Seri Ali Rustam. kapal ni ialah tempat Muzium namenye Muzium Samudera. kat dalam kapal ni ade banyak kisah2 org Melaka terdahulu sehingga patung Hang Tuah pun berada kt sini.kat dalam kapal ni memag unik. rugi kalu xmsuk..
Jonker Walk
Jonker Walk ni satu tempat kalu kat Kelantan mcm Wakaf Che Yeh la. Pasar malam bgi org2 Chinese kat Melaka. banyak brg2 yg xde kat Supermarket ade dijual kat sini.tapi ia hanya dibuka pada malam hari jumaat, sabtu n ahad jer. kebanyakan peniaga kat sini Chinese la.
Kincir Air
Skali tengok memang unik kan benda ni. haa, ni la replika kincir air kat tepi sungai Melaka. aku sempat bergambar kat sini. memang btul2 kat tengah2 Melaka.
Kereta Lembu
Aku sempat menaiki kereta lembu ni. Rm10 skali ride tau. agak mahal sebab die round kejap je. tp kadang2 pikir memang berbaloi sebab susah nk rasa naik benda ni skrg. semua dah ade kete wira, pajero n jip dah skrg. lembu yang tarik benda ni memang serius besar. takut nk g dekat tu.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Alat Ukur lame.
Gambar hiasan yang di ambil dari rumah. kadang tengok macam alat yang dah ade kat muzium ukur jer. tp xtau la lame mane alat ni skrg. byak2 alat kat bwah ade 1je alat yang aku agak macam total station iaitu item no4. alat tu masih lg in good conditon. aku suke tgk n simpan alat2 lame camni sbb suatu masa nati harga benda alah bakal melonjak di pasaran.
Anyway, kalu ade sape2 berminat utk rekeman n tau lebih detail sal semua alat2 kat bwh ni blh la dtg ke kg aku at Bunut Payong, Kota Bharu Kelantan. huhu promote lebih2 plak.
1- ni pun alat level lame gak.
2 - dlm kotak..elok ag.
Dalam banyak alat yang ada dalam ni. alt lam gambar kat bawah plg cool beb. masih lg tip top. tripod die pn aku ade lg jugak dalam keadaan yang baik. memang kalu nk nego alat ni aku akan demand harga tinggi skali la. huhu

3 - haa, yang ni je brg terbaek..plg lame kot.
4 - ni mcm xtau model ape n tahun bape.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Setting out assignmet
A definition for setting out is that it is the reverse surveying. Setting out begins with the plan and ends with the various elements of a particular engineering project correctly positioned in the area.
Setting out is the establishment of the marks and lines to define the position and level of the elements for the construction work so that work may proceed with reference to them.
There are now a numbers of national and international standards specifically dealing with the accuracy requirements for the setting out and the techniques.
Should be employed in order to minimise errors and ensure that the construction process proceeds smoothly.
It is essential that the setting out records to monitor the progress, accuracy, and any changes from the original design are kept by both Engineer and the Contractor as the scheme proceeds.
Vertical control
In order that design points on the works can be positioned at their correct levels, vertical control points of known elevation relative to some specified datum must be established on the site.
To established points of known reduced level near to and on the elements of the proposed scheme. Known as transferred bench marks.
TBM are often located in a new position on the scheme. The vertical control points are used to define reference planes in space, parallel to and usually offset from the selected planes of the proposed construction.
It is essential that the principle of working from whole to the part is adopted. In practice it is means ensuring that all vertical design points are set out either from MBM (master bench mark) or from the nearby TBM, and not from another vertical design point which has been established earlier.
This prevent an error in the reduced level of one design point being carried forward into that another.
Vertical alignment control
The principle behind verticality control is very straight forward, if the horizontal control on the groung floor slab can be accurately transferred to each higher floor as construction proceeds, then verticality will be maintained.
Depending on the heights involved, there are several different ways of achieving verticality. For single-storey structures, long spirit levels can be used quite effectively. For multi-storey structures, however, one of the techniques are preferable:
1. 1- Plumb-bob methods
2. 2- Theodolite methods
3. 3- Optical plumbing methods
4. 4- Laser methods
The traditional method of controlling verticality is to use plum-bobs, suspended on piano wire or nylon. A range of weight is available. From 3kg to 20kg and two plumb bobs are needed in order to provide a reference line from which the upper floors may be controlled.
In an ideal situation. The bob is suspended from an upper floor and moved until it hangs over a datum reference mark on the ground floor. If it is impossible or inconvenient to hang the plumb-bob down the outside of the structure then holes and openings must be provided in the floors to allow the plumb bob to hang through and some form of cantering frame will be necessary to cover the opening to enable the exact point to be fixed. Service ducts can be used but often these are not conveniently placed to provide a suitable baseline for control measurement. Its is also not always possible to use a plumb bob over the full height of a building owing to the need to ‘finish’ each floor as work progresses.
The problem of wind currents in the structure usually causes the bob to oscillate and the technique can be time consuming if great accuracy is required.
To overcome, two theodolites, set up on lines at right angles to each other. Could be used to check the position of the wire and to estimate the mean oscillation position.
One partial solution to dampening the oscillation is to suspend the bob in a transparent drum of oil or water. However, this tends to obscure the ground control mark being used and if this occurs it become necessary either to reference the plumb line to some form of staging built around or above the drum or to measure offsets to the suspended line.
A freshly concreted wall is being checked for verticality. The plum bob is suspended from a piece is being checked for verticality. The plum bob is suspended from a piece of timber nailed to the top of the formwork and immersed in a tank of oil or water. Offsets form the back of the formwork a measured at top and bottom with due allow acne. For any steps or tapers in the wall. Any necessary adjustments are making with a push pull prop. Increasing the weight of the bob reduces its susceptibility to oscillations but these are rarely eliminated completely.
· Plumb bob are relatively inexpensive and straightforward in use. There are particularly useful for monitoring verticality over short distance.
· To ensure that it is created in a vertical position, the frame is simply pivoted about its base until the pended plumb bob touches the stretched wire
There are many cases that we can look from the theodolite methods in the controlling verticality. For more accurate vertical alignment a theodolite should be used. In this case for one or two floors the theodolite could be set up over a hole in the floor and its optical plummet used to set up over a station on the ground floor. However, the quality of the telescope on the optical plummet is inadequate to perform this operation accurately from any great height. A typical working method is to set up the theodolite on the ground floor over the control station and then sight the telescope vertically upwards. The theodolite telescope can point vertically to the near zenith for upward alignment, provided the collimation circle is small. The vertical circle of the theodolite is used for leveling to about 0.5’ accuracy. A diagonal eyepiece must be fitted to the telescope because the normal eyepiece is obscured by the body of the horizontal circle, and such an attachment is available for most makes of theodolite. For accuracy the instruments must be used in both the face right and face left positions.
The vertical sighting should be through a space in the building for example a lift or service shaft, sighting onto a temporary target at the appropriate level. Alternatively the sight can be up the appropriate floor. An alternative approach is to use a single special prism, a pentagonal prism attached at the objective end of the telescope of a theodolite. Some old instruments were capable of pointing vertically downwards through a hollow primary axis; others were flitted with an auxiliary side telescope for this purpose. Besides, now these are produced by manufacturers and facilities the transfer of a given bearing to different levels, as in connection of surface and underground lines, as well as upward and downward plumbing. Provided the telescope’s line of sight is truly horizontal, then a vertical sighting line is obtained so that a point can be suitably located at a required level on that line. Turning the instrument through 180º in azimuth gives a second positions and the mean of two positions gives the plumb position with respect to the theodolite axis. This set of observations can be repeated for rotations of 90º and 270º in azimuth to the original bearing and also after changing face.
Optical plumbing method can be undertaken in several ways. Either the optical plummet of a theodolite can be used or the theodolite can be fitted with a diagonal eyepieces or any optical plumbing device especially manufacted for the purpose can be employed.
When carrying out optical plumbing, holes and openings must be provided in the floors and a centering frame must be used to establish the exact position
The optical plummet of a theodolite provides a vertical line of sight in a down wards direction which enables the instrument to be centered over a ground mark.
Optical plummet are usually incorporate into all modern theodolite but there are also special attachments which fit into a standard tribrach and enable high accuracy centering to be obtained not only to reference marks below the instrument but also to control point above the instrument.
Optical plummet are usually in corporate visible laser plummets instead, which serve exactly the same purpose but do not require the operator to look into a telescope. These are optical roof and ground point plummets which enable centering to be achieved to 0.3 mm over a distance of 1.5m.on some instruments, a switch-over knob permits a selection between ground and roof point plumbing.
Diagonal eyepiece attachment is available for most theodolites. These are interchanged with the conventional eyepiece and enable the operator to through the telescope while it is inclined at very high angles of operation.
They can be used to transfer control point upwards to special targets either up the outside of the building or through opening left in the floors the procedure is as follows:
1. The theodolite with the diagonal eyepiece attached is centered and leveled over the point to be transferred as normal using its built in optical plummet.
2. The theodolite is rotated horizontally until the horizontal circle read 0°
3. The telescope is tilted until it is pointing vertically upwards. if an electronic reading instrument is being used the display will indicate when the telescope is vertical. in the case of an optical reading instrument, an addition diagonal eyepiece must be fitted to the optical reading telescope to enable it to be read
4. A Perspex target is placed over the hole on the upper floor and an assistant is directed by the theodolite operator to mark a line on the Perspex which coincides with the image of the horizontal cross hair in the telescope.
5. The theodolite is rotated horizontally until the horizontal circle read 180°
6. The telescope is tilted to give a vertical line of sight once again.
7. This Perspex target is again viewed.
The whole procedure is now repeated with the horizontal circle of the theodolite reading first 90° and then 270°.the mean of the two lines obtained from these values will be the correct one. The transferred point lies at the intersection of this mean line and that obtained in the 00° and 180° position.
The laser instruments used in surveying and setting out have beams which are either visible or invisible beam. The safety classification system used to categories individual laser surveying instruments. There generally two different types of laser surveying instruments, either alignment lasers or rotating lasers, each of which have been developed for different types of applications. The alignment can be used to control verticality, pipelaying and tunneling. The rotating lasers are used in generally site leveling and setting out internal fittings.
This alignment laser produces a single visible beam which, when used for alignment purpose, has the important advantage of producing a constantly present reference line which can be used without interrupting the construction works. A number of different instruments are manufactured for alignment purposes; examples include laser theodolites, precision laser plummets, pipe lasers and tunnel lasers.
Lasers theodolites are a combination of a laser and a theodolite, that are purpose built instruments which have the laser tube permanently attached as shown in figure 11.72 for Sokkia’s LDT50 laser digital theodolite. The laser beam generated by a laser eyepiece attachment or a laser theodolite coincides exactly with the line of collimation and is focused using the telescope focusing screw to appear as a red dot in the centre of the cross hairs as shown in figure 14.60.On looking into the eyepiece, the observer sees a reflection of the beam which is perfectly safe. The beam can be intercepted with the aid of suitable targets over daylight ranges of 200 – 300m and night of 400 – 600m.
Laser theodolites can be used in place of conventional theodolites in almost any alignment or intersection technique and, once set up; the theodolite can be left unattended. However, since the instrument could be accidentally knocked or vibration of nearby machinery could deflect the beam, it is essential that regular checks are taken to ensure that the beam is in its intended position.
One application of laser theodolites is for controlling verticality. In using this laser to control verticality, it should be set up on the ground floor slab directly over the ground point to be transferred. The beam is then projected vertically either up the outside of the building or through special openings in the floors. The beam is intercepted as it passes the floor to be referenced by the use plastic targets fitted in the openings or attached to the edge of the slab. The point at which the beam meets the targets is marked to provide the reference.
Plumb-bob methods | 1.plumb-bob 2.piano wire or nylon 3.water or oil | 1.relatively inexpensive 2.straight in use 3. Limited space or restricted lines may not allow any instrument to be set up, to overcome it, the plumb-bob method is the best. | 1. Wind current in the structure usually cause the bob to oscillate. 2. Time wasted on the technique if great accuracy is needed. |
Theodolite methods | 1.theodolite 2.pegs instrument 4.tripod | 1.Able to check the position of wire 2. Can estimate the mean oscillation position 3.More accurate than the plum-bob methods | 1. Could not be performed in limited space or restricted lines of sight |
Optical plumbing methods | 1.Optical plummets 2.Diagonal eyepiece 3.Tripod 4.Zenith and nadir plummet | 1.Ensures minimal errors by applying the principle working from whole to the part 2. High accuracy, with precision of +/-1 | 1. The devices only for short range work and do not provide a vertical line of sight of sufficient accuracy to control a high-rise structure |
Laser methods | 1.Laser theodolite 2.Pipe laser 3.Tripod 4.Rotating laser sensor 5.Levelling staff | 1. Enable many surveying and setting out operations to be carried out by just one person 2. Considerable savings in the time required to complete the work 3. Significant improvements in the accuracy | 1. Laser hazard 2. Relatively are expensive |
- Basic metric surveying, third edition :
W S Whyte
Principle lecture
School of land and building studies
Leicester Polytechnic
- Practical surveying and computation, revised second edition :
A.L.Allan, 1997
- Surveying for construction :
W.H Irvine
Megraw Hill
- Surveying for engineers :
Third edition
- Surveying for engineers :
Fourth edition
J.Uren and W.F.Price
Palgrave Mcmillan
- Surveying :
Seventh edition (1998)
A.Bannister, S.Raymond and R.Baker
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